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Facilitando la Comunicación y Resolviendo Incidencias con Rapidez y Profesionalidad

Atención al Cliente Personalizada y Eficiente

En Grupo Plaza Alta, sabemos que una comunicación fluida y efectiva es esencial para la buena gestión de una comunidad.

Nuestro servicio de Atención al Cliente está diseñado para proporcionar a los propietarios una experiencia personalizada y eficiente, donde cada consulta, duda o incidencia es atendida con la máxima rapidez y profesionalidad.

Direct and Accessible Communication

We understand the importance of always being available to homeowners.

That’s why we offer multiple communication channels, including telephone, email, and our WhatsApp app, so that community members can contact us easily and conveniently.

We ensure that any request is dealt with immediately and with the attention it deserves.

Incident Resolution

Our customer service team is able to manage and resolve any type of incident that may arise in your community.

Whether it is a maintenance problem, an administrative query or a complaint, we will analyse the situation, coordinate with the relevant departments and provide an effective solution in the shortest possible time.

Personalised Advice

We offer a personalised advisory service, helping owners to better understand the community’s administrative and financial processes.

Whether it is to clarify doubts about the budget, consult on the rights and obligations of owners or receive guidance on legal regulations, we are here to guide community members in everything they need.

Implementation of Agreements

After the meeting, we ensure that all agreements and decisions are implemented as agreed. We follow up closely to ensure that agreed actions are carried out in a timely manner, keeping the community informed at all times.

Access to Information

With our technology integration, all documents related to meetings, including notices, minutes and agreement follow-ups, are available on our cloud platform and WhatsApp app. This allows owners to access information securely and transparently, anytime, anywhere.

Regulatory Compliance

We ensure that all meetings are conducted in accordance with applicable legal regulations, including quorum, voting and documentation requirements.

This ensures that decisions taken at meetings are valid and enforceable.

Still in doubt? Contact us

If you still have questions or need more information, we are here to help!

Our team at Grupo Plaza Alta is ready to answer any questions you may have about our property management services.

We look forward to assisting you and providing you with the best personalised attention for your community management needs!